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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This site has been put to rest, and we have moved to a BRAND NEW HOME!

Thanks to the guys at Compufirm who have hooked us up and have built and hosting our new pad!

Check our new site out at:

If you want information on CATAPULTING your practice, learning new techniques, and being one of the best at what you do, go and check it out, a few minutes browsing sites to help your business........can't hurt?

We are headed over there, this site is dead, boring, and will go MIA very soon.........We will see you over there!

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Please be advised that there are risk invloved in participating in any exercise program. By Participating in the Demand of Corrective Exercise and Fitness classes, members or participants are assuming all risks of injury that may result. Bogar Performance and Dynamic Training & Rehabilitation, our Therapist, Trainers, and our third parties shall not be liable for any claims for injuries or damages whatsoever, resulting or connected with the use of this blog and website. We further disclaim any liability caused by intentional or unintentional negligance.

The sole purpose of this blog is to be an education resource for trainers, therapist, and workout enthusiast. Pleas seek a Health Care Provider prior to starting any exercise program and therapy.