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Monday, August 16, 2010

Side Plank Row and a New Business Book

The last two weeks have been very hectic, the last Perform Better Summit of the year in Long Beach, finishing up a mulitple projects for the upcoming fall/winter, and the once a year Can Fit Pro confrence in Toronto.

As I had the pleasure to interact with a number of trainers from throughout North America it has come across that there is still a lack of knowledge with the how to properly train the core. Over the next few weeks, we are going to dive in and do sections on what exactly is the "core", how to train it, and most importantly, how to asses!

If you are still training core with Sit-ups, Crunch's, or just normal plank every workout, first buy a Dr. Stuart McGill Text book, and second keep posted to this blog.

We are going to jump right into a great exercise for Functional Core Strength. The pictures from two angles are below.

Althought there is a rowing componant to this exercise, it is actually for core strength. We use a Side Plank Row in final phase of low back rehabilitation program or BP correctional exercise program becuase this exercise will stimulate the proprioceptors in the Multifidus muscles from Lumbar and Thoracic, has minimal Lumbar Movement (If you follow Stuart McGill, you know this is a big deal) and activley stimulates the Transverse Oblique.

Implement this exercise into your program. Focus on keeping proper spine alignment and do not worry about how much you are rowing in terms of weight. This exercise should be done after a mobility phase of a MacroCycle.

On a business note, I always have 2 books on the go. One Business related, and the other rehab/sport medicine/alternative therapy/fitness oriented. I came across a great business book on the plane home from Los Angeles that I believe should be on everyones TO READ list: Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieg

This is a great book written by the founder of LinkExchange and I am a big believer in exposing yourself to all books that could help you learn more, even if it is not a fitness or health related book. Business is Business!

One last shout out if you have not yet heard, through Dynamic Training & Rehabilitation and Fit-Escape Bootcamp Systems we are offering a $1000.00 Weight Loss Challenge. We are only accepting a few more participants so hurry to get your spot.

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