On Fridays, everyone in the Health and Fitness Blogging realm seem to be on a tangent of posting "randomness" from the week prior. I actually look forward to each friday after a week in the trench's at DT&R sitting back and scolling through these blog's that provide comic relief, and clairty about past events. I still think the Friday Blog Stream may be overkill, but those who do it, and do it well, keep it coming.
On our blog we are going to switch gears. I am not going to post randomness on here every friday. My goal is to inspire, motivate, and educate Trainers and Therapist a like. If I can inspire a trainer to learn more, think out of the box, and be a leading power in their niche, than I have completed my job.
Moving forward, every monday we are going to post "S*!&t that get's you Motivated Monday's".
The goal of our Monday Post is simple, provide information that will make you look further into what you are doing, dig up a new book, be inspired to get out their and be a pioneer of the best industry in the world!
Until Monday, we are going to post an answer to multiple question that we recieve over email at DT&R and BP.
1. Taylor and I receive numerous emails on a daily basis from trainers and therapist asking us "secrets of making money and being succesful in the health industry"
What is the secret to being succesful in the health industry, whether you are a personal trainer, massage therapist, or chiropractic????
Get clients results, make patients feel better, have the knowledge AND continue to learn in your respective field.
Now, I am not trying to be cocky, or be a "show-off", but since spring, we have had 8 Patients fly in from around North America for treatment, been flown out to different parts of the states to treat athletes, have had a wait list, and been asked to lecture at several different events.
We didn't get this oppurtunity because we have a great system, market our facility and TEAM well, or make false promises. I became one of the best in Manual Therapy at what I do and my patients get results, feel better, and can get back to sport faster!
The Secret: Be the best at what you do, strive for results, then Market and Create a system.
I am a huge believer in passion is success. Love what you do, and success will follow.
Ask yourself, what have you done today to make your practice and fitness business better?
For me personally, I have a goal that each day I ready an Anatomy book for atleast 30 minutes, and read3 Chapters of a business book each. This does not include other time I spend surfing Blogs, Facebook (some may say wasting time, but you haven't read Mark Young's Blog), and reviewing literature.
What do you do each day to make yourself that best at what you do??
Over the weekend, I am going to finish the Article on "Creating a Niche Market". We are going to post a follow up to our blog on Monday.
2. We have a new trainer at the Canadian Human Performance Centre and Dynamic Training & Rehabilitation: Jeff Aldham from Jeff Aldham, from All Body Conditioning.
Here is an Interview with Jeff:
By the way, Jeff is the one in the gym wearing purple shirt and shoes, he claims it is his business colours.
3. One more thing that we are working on:
We are working with Kasia, a competitor in UFE (Ultimate Fitness Events). Kasia has a hip and low back issue that we have been rehabing. We have decided to film or manual therapy treatments and corrective exercise sessions so everyone can have a look on what an athlete goes through from Injury to Sport Performance. Watching the Video's you can get some cool Corrective Exercise and Soft Tissue Work Idea's as well!
4. Hockey is almost here. We are headed out to the pre-season game this evening to see how everyone is looking!
Have a great weekend!
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